Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:00 / Saturday 8:00 - 14:00


Mini-grids and Off-grids

Bringing energy to remote areas is our commitment. Here's how we ensure reliable off-grid and mini grid systems:

Site Assessment

Our team evaluates the specific energy needs and geographical conditions of the area.

Customized Design

We design off-grid or mini grid systems that combine solar, storage, and backup solutions for uninterrupted power.

Rigorous Testing

All components are tested to ensure they can withstand local environmental challenges.

Community Engagement

We work closely with local communities to ensure smooth implementation and long-term sustainability.

Empowering Training

Local residents are trained to operate and maintain the systems, fostering self-reliance.

At Solar Grid (U) Ltd, we're not just about installing solar systems; we're about providing holistic energy solutions that empower communities, businesses, and individuals across Africa. Join us in the journey towards a brighter, greener future!

Get it Now in 3 Simple Steps

Get Your Quote

Personalized Energy Assessment,Transparent Pricing and Budget-Friendly Options.

Inspect Your Work

Thorough Site Evaluation, Assessment of Infrastructure and Risk Mitigation.

Provide Best Service

Experienced Installation, Quality Assurance and Continuous Support.